Schnakenberg System

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Creating patterns using the Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion system


We use the Schnakenberg system to generate patterns using a pair of reaction-diffusion (RD) equations, build up from 1D to 2D and explore parameter dependence.


We run the Schnakenberg system of PDEs in 1D with no-flux BoundaryConditions from initial profile of noise.


The final pattern (at $t = 500$) in the 1D Schnakenberg system.
The final pattern (at $t = 500$) in the 1D Schnakenberg system.
A time sequence of pattern formation in the 1D Schnakenberg system, the simulation starts with random initial conditions and proceeds to form a series of peaks.
A time sequence of pattern formation in the 1D Schnakenberg system, the simulation starts with random initial conditions and proceeds to form a series of peaks.
Top: a time sequence of the Schnakenberg RD system equation. Stripes are initialized, merged and sharpened due to the pattern-forming system; produced by [`Schnakenberg2Da.xml`](#downloads). Bottom: The same RD system but with random noise close to the HSS as initial conditions. A pattern of spots emerges over time, produced with [`Schnakenberg2Db.xml`](#downloads).
Top: a time sequence of the Schnakenberg RD system equation. Stripes are initialized, merged and sharpened due to the pattern-forming system; produced by Schnakenberg2Da.xml. Bottom: The same RD system but with random noise close to the HSS as initial conditions. A pattern of spots emerges over time, produced with Schnakenberg2Db.xml.
A variety of patterns formed by the Schnakenberg RD system with noisy initial conditions but with various values of the time-scale parameter $\gamma$. In each case, the system was integrated until $t = 1000$ using the Morpheus file [`Schnakenberg2Db.xml`](#downloads).
A variety of patterns formed by the Schnakenberg RD system with noisy initial conditions but with various values of the time-scale parameter $\gamma$. In each case, the system was integrated until $t = 1000$ using the Morpheus file Schnakenberg2Db.xml.
Simulations of the Schnakenberg system on different sized irregular domains with `noflux` `BoundaryCondition`s. Produced with Morpheus file [`Schnakenberg2Dshape.xml`](#downloads).
Simulations of the Schnakenberg system on different sized irregular domains with noflux BoundaryConditions. Produced with Morpheus file Schnakenberg2Dshape.xml.
The model Schnakenberg2Dshape.xml also requires the separate files picture1.tiff, picture2.tiff and picture3.tiff.


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  •  Download: SchnakenbergRD1D_main.xml
  • XML Preview

    <MorpheusModel version="4">
            <Title>Schnakenberg RD System 1D</Title>
            <Details>Full title:		Schnakenberg System
    Authors:		L. Edelstein-Keshet
    Contributors:	Y. Xiao
    Date:		04.06.2022
    Software:		Morpheus (open-source). Download from
    Model ID:
    File type:		Main model
    Reference:		L. Edelstein-Keshet: Mathematical Models in Cell Biology
    Comment:		Patterns formed by the Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion system. u is the activator and v is the inhibitor. gamma sets the time scale of the kinetics relative to the rates of diffusion. Modified from the Morpheus example Example-ActivatorInhibitor-2D (</Details>
            <Field symbol="u" name="activator" value="2+0.5*rand_norm(1,0.5)">
                <Diffusion rate="0.01"/>
            <Field symbol="v" name="inhibitor" value="1.0">
                <Diffusion rate="1"/>
            <Field symbol="v_5" name="5Xinhibitor" value="5">
                <Diffusion rate="0"/>
                <Annotation>v_5 is defined for plotting purposes, so that v shows up well on the plot of u.</Annotation>
            <System time-step="0.1" name="Schnakenberg" solver="Runge-Kutta [fixed, O(4)]">
                <Constant symbol="gamma" value="0.1"/>
                <Constant symbol="a" value="0.2"/>
                <Constant symbol="b" value="2.0"/>
                <DiffEqn symbol-ref="u">
                <DiffEqn symbol-ref="v">
                <Rule symbol-ref="v_5">
            <Lattice class="linear">
                <Size symbol="size" value="150, 0, 0"/>
                <NodeLength value="0.2"/>
                    <Condition type="noflux" boundary="x"/>
                    <Condition type="noflux" boundary="-x"/>
            <SpaceSymbol symbol="space"/>
            <StartTime value="0"/>
            <StopTime value="500"/>
            <SaveInterval value="0"/>
            <TimeSymbol symbol="time"/>
            <Logger time-step="50">
                    <Symbol symbol-ref="u"/>
                    <TextOutput file-format="csv"/>
                    <Plot time-step="50">
                        <Style line-width="3.0" style="lines"/>
                        <Terminal terminal="png"/>
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="space.x"/>
                        <Y-axis minimum="0" maximum="6">
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="u"/>
                            <!--    <Disabled>
            <Symbol symbol-ref="v_5"/>
                        <!--    <Disabled>
                    <Time mode="current"/>
                        <Color-bar reverse-palette="true">
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="time"/>
            <Logger time-step="10">
                    <Symbol symbol-ref="u"/>
                    <TextOutput file-format="matrix"/>
                    <SurfacePlot time-step="10">
                            <Symbol symbol-ref="u"/>
                        <Terminal terminal="png"/>
            <ModelGraph format="svg" reduced="false" include-tags="#untagged"/>

    Model Graph
    Model Graph


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